It took a water leak, a termite invasion, the intervention of city officials and the hard work of numerous volunteers, but Teresa Oliver is now finally back home.
Summer is coming. It's already cooling season. So how do you save money on cooling costs? You've paid for all that cool air already, so it doesn't make much sense to waste it now.
A simple enough premise - it's the application that gets complicated. We (and most building science experts) strongly recommend air sealing and insulation as high priority measures to make your home use less energy, make you more comfortable, and make the planet happy.
Using a blower door--a device that sucks the air out of your house to simulate an especially windy day--is the best way to identify where your house leaks. For many of us, a thousand little pin pricks may add up to a hole in your house the size of a window left open 24 hours a day, 365 says per year.
By using a blower door in coordination with air sealing, we can identify the biggest leaks and get them sealed.
This video from Green Building Advisor shows how it's done.
Here's an interesting video from our friends at Energy Vanguard that shows how much air can leak through simple things like light switches.
Home Energy Medics did a wonderful job on our house. We now have much better heating and cooling. The original audit was very revealing of heat leakage points throughout the house. I had no idea that recessed lighting "cans" could leak so much outside air into the house.