air sealing, insulation, home energy medics, dc, va
December 15, 2017

If you’ve spent any time on our blog before, you’ve probably heard of the many benefits that air sealing and insulation together can offer your home. Increased home comfort, greater home efficiency, lower energy bills, and better air quality are just a few of the things you can look forward to after air sealing and insulating. Some homeowners try to take a shortcut to these benefits, throwing some insulation up in the attic and calling it good. Unfortunately, insulation without air sealing is only 50% as effective as the two combined.

The Purpose of Air Sealing

The purpose of air sealing is to eliminate air leaks. Air leaks are small gaps and cracks that allow air to travel between conditioned and unconditioned areas in the home, or to enter and escape via the exterior walls of the home. Air sealing is especially important in the attic because without it, air can travel freely from a home’s conditioned living spaces up into the attic and then escape through the gaps and cracks in your home’s exterior. In other words, without proper air sealing, that valuable indoor air you’re paying to heat is rising and escaping straight through your roof.

Air Seal Before You Insulate

Insulation does not stop air flow in the way that air sealing does; its purpose is to control heat flow throughout your home. When you install insulation in your attic without air sealing first, air can still travel freely into your attic and through your home’s exterior. Pre-insulation is the time to have air sealing done, as any air leaks that need to be sealed will still be visible and accessible. If you want to make your home more comfortable and efficient the right way, make sure you have air sealing done first, followed by insulation installation.

Take the Right Approach with Home Energy Medics

If you want increased home comfort, greater energy efficiency, and lower energy bills, make sure you work with the right contractor to make improvements. The experts at Home Energy Medics can diagnose your home in Arlington or the DC metro area to determine exactly what it needs — whether it’s air sealing and insulation or something else entirely — and then implement solutions that truly work.

Ready to see what air sealing and insulation can do for your home? Contact us or call (703) 270-0479 today to get started!

Want to learn more about insulation and air sealing?

(703) 447-5379

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