March 22, 2022

Do You Need an Energy Audit? infographic home energy medics

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The Problem

Comfort Issues

Examples: Indoor drafts, uneven indoor temperatures, second floors that get too hot in the summer

High Energy Bills

Examples: Heating bills that keep going up every winter, high electricity bills when you’re running the AC

Indoor Health Issues

Examples: Coughing, sneezing, allergic reactions or asthma that’s always worse when you’re in your home

Ice Dams

Examples: Large icicles forming on your eaves, water dripping through your ceiling or getting into your attic

Noise Pollution

Examples: Easy-to-hear outside noise when all the windows are closed, little privacy between rooms in your home

Moisture & Mold Issues

Examples: Musty smells coming from your basement or crawlspace, signs of water staining on ceiling or walls

The  Solution


Insulation slows the transfer of heat through the building materials of your home, reducing energy waste.

Air Sealing

Air sealing closes up holes and gaps in your home’s exterior that allow air to enter and escape your home.

Duct Sealing

Sealing cracks or openings in ductwork improves HVAC system efficiency as well as indoor air quality.

Windows & Doors

New energy efficient windows and doors make your home more comfortable and give your home a visual makeover.

Why an Energy Audit is the Best First Step

Home energy audits:

  • Leave no stone unturned for a comprehensive home evaluation

  • Give you peace of mind of an accurate diagnosis

  • Help you avoid paying for services you don’t actually need

  • Make full use of our building science expertise

Get to the bottom of the problems in your home. Contact Home Energy Medics today to schedule a home energy audit.

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You’ll be glad you started with an energy audit.

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